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Windows 서버코어(server core) third party#1 - CoreConfig 2.0

by gntpapa 2011. 4. 25.

Core Config 2.0
 오픈소스이며 외국에서 만들어서 그런지 몇가지 기능은 실행이 안됩니다. 하지만 ps1파일을 수정하면 모든 기능이 실행이 가능합니다.




 Core Configuration 기능:
 - Product Licensing
Networking Features 
DCPromo Tool
 - ISCSI Settings
Server Roles and Features
User and Group Permissions
Share Creation and Deletion
Dynamic Firewall settings
Display | Screensaver Settings
Add & Remove Drivers
Proxy settings
Windows Updates (Including WSUS)
Multipath I/O
Hyper-V including virtual machine thumbnails
JoinDomain and Computer rename
Add/remove programs
Complete logging of all commands executed